Integrated Energy Therapy

What is it?
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is a hands-on healing therapy system that “gets the issues out of your tissues”…for good! It is a safe and gentle way of releasing energy blockages that can cause imbalance and disease in the body. IET promotes healing in all areas of our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves.
Many people are familiar with another hands-on healing system called “Reiki”. IET taps into a different, but equally powerful energy system.
How does it work?
As life progresses, many of us start to carry the remnants of past hurts, disappointments, and stuff in what I describe as an invisible suitcase. You can’t physically see it, but this load is ever-present and weighing you down as you move through life. It might be described as low energy, lacking motivation, lost creativity, my zest for life is missing, etc. Imagine that if your car were running sluggishly, you’d take it in for a tune-up. Well, imagine that your energy field needs a tune-up. That’s what IET provides in that it helps unload the stuff in that invisible suitcase.
IET employs gentle touch to help you safely and gently release limiting energy patterns from your past, empower and balance your life in the present, and embody your full potential as you move into your future.
What are The Benefits?
Can painlessly release your suppressed feelings and your limiting cellular memories.
Supports you in enhancing your health, life purpose, prosperity, and creativity.
Empowers you to experience fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life.
Provides gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families.
Supports your self-healing at all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Increases your connection to your angels and helps you work with them in your life.
Helps you to discover and live your Soul’s mission in life
Integrated Energy Treatment
50 Minute Session that clears energetic blockages. People report feeling less stressed, clearer, and lighter.
By Appointment only
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