In-Depth Sound Meditation

What is it?
Primordial Sound Meditation is a mantra-based meditation technique originating in the ancient wisdom traditions of India and reintroduced by Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon. Primordial sounds – the basic, most essential sounds of nature – are used to disconnect us from the activity of life. These individually selected sounds, known as mantras, are based on the vibration the universe was making the moment of your birth.
Once your Primordial Sound mantra has been determined, you will be taught how to use it on a daily basis to reawaken balance, tranquility, and compassion within.
How does it work?
Primordial Sound Meditation is recommended for anyone who wishes to enjoy deeper peace, greater freedom, and mastery of life. As a certified meditation instructor, I work with each student to learn and integrate the mantra into your daily routine.
What are the benefits?
Practicing Primordial Sound Meditation on a daily basis can help you to:
Manage stress
Reduce anxiety
Improve your relationships
Create inner peace
Awaken your intuition
Enhance your sleep patterns
Lower your blood pressure
Become less judgmental
Connect to spirit
PSM Instruction has 4 Modules
Module 1
Introduces you to the basic principles of meditation, its history, the importance of your mantra. Instruction includes an overview of stress, the role of stress in seeding illness, and how meditation can help mitigate one’s stress levels.
Module 2:
You’ll receive personal instruction in your Primordial Sound mantra and learn how to use it. You will try meditation for the first time using your Primordial Sound mantra.
Module 3:
You learn the practical aspects of meditation, share your experience, and practice with the instructor.
Module 4:
You will attend a lecture about the higher states of consciousness that can be achieved with regular Primordial Sound Meditation practice. Your instructor will share Deepak Chopra’s vision of these higher states.